Червоний пігмент 48: 4

Назва продуктуPIGMENT RED 48:4
Синоніми:C.I.Pigment Red 48:4; C.I.PR48:4; PR48:4; P.R.48:4
CAS NO.5280-66-0 / 1325-12-8
Молекулярна вага422.84
Молекулярна формулаC18H15ClN2O6S
Щільність1,33 г/см3
КолірЧервоний порошок

Формула молекулярної структури:

Fastness Properties of Pigment Red 48:4:

Термостійкість (℃)180
Стійкість до масла4
Стійкість до лугів4
Стійкість до алкоголю4-5

Основне застосування: Plastic, Paint & Coating, Textile printing

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Product Description of Pigment Red 48:4:

Manganese salt lake, the shade is more blue than C.I. Pigment Red 48:3, and more yellow than C.I. Pigment Red 48:4. Used for paint coloring, mixed with chrome molybdenum orange to increase hiding power, more light resistance than other salt lakes, air-drying paint reaches level 7, the presence of manganese has a catalytic effect on the drying process; used for polyolefin and soft Coloring of PVC, no bleeding (insulated cable), heat resistance in PE is 200-290℃/5min; it can also be used for coloring of packaging printing ink, and the presence of manganese salt in printing ink will also accelerate drying.  Mainly used for the coloring of inks, plastics, coatings, cultural and educational supplies and pigment printing.